The Munay-Ki Rites are the nine great rites to enlightenment. These initiations transform the programming of the human energy field, which is the innate software that informs the human body and expands consciousness to support the awakening and remembrance of your most essential Self.
Munay (pronounced moon-eye) is the Q’echuan word for Love, Ki means Power. The Rites of the Munay-Ki attune our hearts to the power of love and support the awakening to our interconnectedness with all of life. Embodiment of the rites foster living in gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, love and understanding.
The rites hold the promise of transforming human consciousness in a rapid and precise way by re-informing our DNA and the luminous matrix that organizes our bodies, emotions, and interactions with each other and the planet. These rites are the seeds that change the vibration of our human energy field and help us to come into balance, healing our wounds in order to source more fully from our Soul. From this place we become the visionaries – consciously creating our world with our thoughts, words and actions.
The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet. This new human lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are born from the traditional Shamanic Rites of Passage distilled down to their energetic essence. They are transmissions that bridge ancient wisdom with modern understanding to support evolution to this new human. Munay-Ki supports the healing needed to transform the human energy field into that of homo luminous (light beings) that the prophecies foretold of.
Mentorship to become a facilitator of the Rite Includes:
- 10 One on One Sessions
- Instruction on and Transmission of the Rites
- Shamanic Journey Work for Understanding and Embodiment of Each Rite
- Rituals and Ceremony for Full Growth and Integration of the Rites
- Direction and Counsel to Share the Rites Within Your Community