Doña Isabel Chinguel and Doña Olinda Pintado are famous curanderas from the North Coast of Peru (Chiclayo). They are featured in Medical Anthropologist and Utah State University Professor Dr. Bonnie Glass-Coffin’s, acclaimed book “The Gift of Life.” For over 35 years, The Twins have been sharing their sacred healing gifts and are highly respected within their community and renowned world-wide.
The Shamanic Protocols passed down by The Twins support the healing of body, mind and spirit. The focus of their medicine teachings is to reconnect you back to the truth and source of unconditional love in your heart and to support you to be at peace and harmony, deeply connected with the Universal Energies that guide all existence.
Throughout the years, I have been supported by these two beautiful and powerful healers. Through medicine ceremonies, personal healing sessions and professional mentoring, I have witnessed first-hand the power of their gifts, which comes from a place of deep unconditional love and integrity. With their loving support, I was able to move through some of my most deeply ingrained wounding and overcome limiting mental conditioning that kept me from fully living the life I knew in my heart was possible. Since working with them, I have found strength of purpose and expansion of my life, in ways I had only dreamed of previously.
In the Twin's Toolbox Mentorship sessions, you will learn:
- Shamanic Candle Clearing Process and begin to learn to read the melted wax
- Eggstraction - A potent and powerful diagnostic clearing practice for intrusive energies that drain our lifeforce and can derail our best intentions.
- Process to clear Ancestral Inheritances which predispose you to so many of the negative energies prevalent today
- Work with Homeopathic San Pedro to support healing, open your heart and create deeper connecion while removing heavy energy
- Susto (fright) removal with Herbal and Flower Limpia to clear intrusions, reset the nervous system and reclaim the vital life force that makes us whole again.
- Egg Clearing Process to Balance the Chakra System
These healing practices are deep-rooted in ancient traditions shown throughout history to heal disease and mental imbalances that western medicine is often unable to. The practices keep us well grounded and brighten our spirits, enabling us to answer the call of love in our hearts.