be empowered with shamanic maps and tools to stay grounded, centered and clear of purpose in the powerful and turbulent times that are upon us.
This 13-session Shamanic Immersion is a one-on-one experiential journey through the shamanic maps for healing, growth, and evolution of the Medicine Wheel. Forever change the way you see what is possible in your world. Learn tools and be supported with the shamanic practices to hack into your energetic programs and upgrade your internal software to create exceptional states of health and well-being.

With almost two decades of experience walking the shamanic path, this body of wisdom has changed my own and hundreds of my client’s lives. Shamanic wisdom offers maps and tangible processes for us all to become conscious creators of our lives and in the world. It’s time to call off the search outside yourself, to find the courage, strength and vision to explore and shift all that is keeping you from living the life you know is possible. It is my greatest gift to share this wisdom and I would be honored to walk beside and support you to remember your deepest truth and greatest expression.

One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself
– Shandell P.
Embark on a deep exploration and review of all that has been to restore balance and clarity to your life, reconnect with your true purpose and ignite your deepest passion.
The practices and techniques shared throughout this journey are unparalleled and were offered as a way for you to expand your consciousness and assist you in your evolution at this crucial time on the planet.
Gain invaluable tools that provide lasting and sustainable change to live a joyful, abundant and purposeful life. Learn how to consciously engage the Medicine Wheel and be empowered with techniques to reprogram outdated beliefs while installing new patterns at the blueprint level of your being. Receive shamanic healing sessions and gain tangible tools to recreate your life from your most authentic and inspired expression. Specifically:

- Heal and transform the wounds and stories from the past
- Clear genetic and karmic patterns
- Reconnect to your heart’s passion
- Reclaim your most authentic expression and vision
- Find the courage and vision to live the life of your dreams
- Take home tangible tools for continued creation and to ride any storm
What a journey! The best words to describe it are heart opening and clarity.
– Paul B.
The Inka Prophecies foretold of time where there would be a major shift in human consciousness, a time when we as humans would “remember ourselves again.”

They said that we would once again recognize how our actions have an effect on more than just ourselves individually and that we would come to understand the immense power that this knowledge has to bring change to our lives and the future of our planet. That time is now…
These ancient people held great wisdom teachings and practices that could support humanity in this awakening. These practices and processes, which modern science is just recently understanding, have the ability to reprogram our human energy field, brain physiology, cellular memory and as a result, they change the course of our lives. The Shamanic Immersion is a journey of a lifetime through the framework that these Indigenous people offered to clear all that would be in the way of your living the destiny you came to fulfill at this time!
This journey is a deep exploration and review of what has been from a very different reference point than what you are accustomed to. You may have worked for decades processing the literal and emotional with intense work and only small shifts. Working beyond your rational mind can restore balance and clarity at the deepest programming levels of your being.
At the core of the program are the Great Rites of the Munay-Ki – the Karpays, which are the energetic codes and frequencies that support in bringing you back into balance within and without. Rites of initiation and passage have been shared in many traditions for thousands of years between mentor and student. The Munay-Ki initiations work to ceremoniously come back into harmony with yourself and all of nature, while upgrading the programming of the human energy field – the innate software that informs the human body, to the frequency of your most essential Self.

In addition to receiving the timeless rites themselves, we will journey through the indigenous map for healing and evolution known as the Medicine Wheel. These teachings offer a framework, techniques and maps for inquiry, supporting you to clear the way the past informs your life, rewiring your brain neurology and innate software. In addition, you will also receive shamanic healing interventions to further support you to clear the memories of the past lives within your energy field and direct your life.
Isn’t it time you answered the call and reconnected with your heart’s true purpose? The Shamanic Healing Immersion provides you with unparalleled tools and maps to simply and effectively step into your power and wisdom to become a conscious co-creator of your life.
So powerful, so priceless, so healing, so marvelous!
– Jim B.
Gain understanding of the Energy Field that surrounds and informs the body. Be empowered to cleanse and clear your own chakras and learn how to reset your body’s stress response in order to find deep rest and relaxation for sustainable and lasting change.
Learn how to create powerful ceremonies and rituals to move beyond the blockages and challenges in your life. Receive the rites of passage of the Munay-Ki to support the upgrade of your energy field to the vibration of your most Essential frequency.
Learn how to unravel the programs of the stories and wounds from your past without having to relive or even tell the stories from a place of words! Clear the imprints in your energetic blueprint that keep attracting unhealthy and undesirable outcomes and patterns in your life.
Learn traditional Shamanic Healing protocols including herbal and flower limpia, ‘Egg’straction, Candlework, Homeopathic Plant Medicine and more. Receive individualized Shamanic Healing work and be empowered with Shamanic Energy Medicine processes to work within your human energy field and scour the way the denser memories are stored to upgrade your operating system and energetic programs.
Experience the processes that allow you to safely face even the most challenging aspects of your life. Journey to release the ancestral patterns that have been passed down through your DNA and release the unconscious memories from previous lifetimes. Explore the patterns and beliefs that keep you from living the life you know in your heart is possible.
The greatest gift the Shaman brings is to ‘learn the way to death and back again’. In our work we will create the space to die to what has been in order to be fully available for your life. Through metaphorical death-work you will be set free to move forward with courage and peace, expanding the field for what is possible in your life.
Reclaim your lost passion and remember the purpose you came to fulfill in this lifetime. Journey through the shamanic maps outside time and space for Soul and Destiny Retrieval and execute a new contract that is aligned with your heart’s deepest truth.
Learn how to look at any situation through the Shaman’s eyes to shift your perception beyond the literal story. Learn how to use the shamanic processes to transcend any issues that you might face moving forward. Energetically clear the unfinished business of your life so you are truly free to create the life you’ve always known is possible.
Write a new story for who you will become. By changing your story, you can change your life! Once you embody the Shamanic maps for awakening and the expansion of your consciousness, you will be able to live centered and grounded in your truth. From here, you become a powerful creator who dreams the world into being and source from the place of possibility instead of probability.

Are you ready to say YES! and upgrade the program that is directing your life?
The one-on-one Shamanic IMMERSION is available UPON REQUEST
- 1-on-1 Private 13 Session Journey
- One Time Payment of $2,950 or 6 Bi-Weekly Payments of $492
6 Months No-Interest Available through PayPal Credit
(Upon Credit Approval)