
Embracing Difficulty for Happiness & Fulfillment
In my previous message I shared how it felt like we had been in a holding pattern and many of you replied that you had

Deep Within the Unknown
Someone recently said to me that deep within the unknown lies the known. It has left me wondering just how deep one must go into

Life Begins with Love
The past few days I have been deep in the creation portal. It feels like it has been months that I have been writing and

A Divine Reason to Live Your Deepest Truth ~ All Things Connect
Humans are the only species that live out of balance with the greater whole of which we are a part and are causing great peril

Ancient Shamanic Practices as a Tool for Modern Day Evolution
What if there was a simple framework offered by way of ancient understanding and backed by science and modern medicine that could help you to

Dance as Medicine
Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. A human being is just that —energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance. –

Turning our Wounds into Sources of Strength In Order to Be True to Ourselves
This past weekend, I was fully immersed in leading a powerful and life affirming Shamanic Healing Intensive. The participants were supported to journey through the

Pull Up Your Big Person Panties and Take Accountability
After a morning full of working with clients and prospective clients through my Complementary 30 Minute Consultations, there is a theme that is emerging which

Hogwarts School – Energy 101
While teaching workshops, I sometimes quote a statistic that I heard come out of Oxford University that there was a 60% chance that life was